Why us

  • We have a huge experience in developing markets in Africa.
  • Our team consists of professional management trainers, coaches, professional HR practitioners with an enormous wealth of experience in their fields.
  • They will always adapt to your language, culture and specific issues and wishes,
  • We combine learning and training with free consultancy when necessary, i.e. we don’t just train because you ask us to train,
  • Fundamental competency-based training and development i.e. we focus on what people really need to know and the direct application in the ‘field’,
  • We assure the implementation/integration of the learnings and we coach without extra costs,
  • Leaders / managers development and coaching are embedded in our curricula.
  • We train fast.. max 3 days in a row with up to 15 management competencies per workshop

Who is behind HRBoosters?

lex beard1

Lex Lindeman (click for more info about Lex)