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Here are some management skills you might choose from (or choose your own competencies)

Situational Coaching or Management:
The use of 4 types of coaching and managing (instruction, explaining, encouraging/convincing to delegating) Result:  Increased efficiency, higher motivation, learning organization, empowerment, delegation, communication

Transparent coaching,
How to build confidence in professional relations including feedback, confrontation and the use of threats Increased trust between colleagues, bosses. Corrective actions without fear, less turnover, communication

Change management and managing change
Involvement and roles CM curve, information management, Faster implementation of projects, initiatives

Presentation Skills,
Including TTT More convincing/informative presentations with the use of flip over, PowerPoint, etc

Team development
Building confidence, synergy, trust, use of team roles and selection Team performance increases, better communication

Objective setting & Appraisal (performance management), 
New Smart objectives, appraisal interviews Greater accountability through no-nonsense target approach

Negotiating skills
Convincing techniques, questioning, Information bargaining Better results after negotiating situations

Training skills
Checklists, presentation skills, workshop design Line managers become coaches and trainers

Project management for managers and managing the soft part of projects initiatives
Negotiating the right subject: resources, quality, time. Roles of principal, PM and team Projects are realized due to better negotiating, managers say less ‘yes’ communication

Time management,
Learning how to say ‘no’ or ‘yes but’ instead of ‘yes’ Increased trust and better use of time, better priority setting

Conflict management,
Also with hierarchy Less conflicts with subordinates and bosses

Organization development,
Mintzberg, formal, informal organization Understand act on the bigger picture, know the necessity of rules in organizations

Intercultural Management,
Collectivism vs individualism and how people react Understand people with other cultures, better cooperation

Creativity, Innovation
Learn to see things backward, inside out and upside down Better problem solving in teams, groups, higher yield

Transactional analyses,
Parent, Adult, Child behavior Improved no-nonsense interpersonal relations, Left/right side of the brain

Meeting skills

Stress management, 
Close to time management, Reduces fall out of valuable people, people better coping with situations

Mind mapping
How to prepare in an unstructured way structured presentations, solutions, problem-solving More informative or convincing presentations

Coaching types and coaching techniques
Coaching can vary from company to company and person to person. Some proved techniques as well as new development in techniques Better results, better atmosphere, more trust, improved cooperation between persons, higher output

Conflict Management
Questionnaire and explanations: Your preferred and unpreferred way of handling conflicts Better conflict solving and creating win-win relations

to demonstrate the interdepartmental dependency

Photo hunt
Creativity, stress management, time management, leadership, team development

Tennis ball game
A team can always do better than it thinks, Egg game, etc. etc.

Your additional managerial topics